Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How to using Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope is a measuring instrument that can map the electrical quantities of electrical signals or read electrical signals in a circuit. The wave will be visible on the oscilloscope display screen when the electric circuit has been electrified and voltage. As for some types of waves that can be read by an oscilloscope that is: sinusoidal wave, Wave block, sawtooth wave, triangle wave. Before making measurements using an oscilloscope, we must follow the steps how to use the oscilloscope.

First, we have to do is calibration. After the oscilloscope is connected to a voltage source and turn it on, then we should observe on the screen that appears on the screen is to be a straight horizontal line (if there is no input signal).

Secondly, adjust the focus, intensity, slope, x position and y position. By regulating the position we will be able to observe the measurement results clearly and will obtain measurement results meticulously.

Third, use a reference voltage contained in the oscilloscope then we can do a simple calibration to make it easier. There are two reference voltages that can be used as a reference that is a square voltage 2 Vpp and 0.2 Vpp with a frequency of 1 KHz.

Next, attach the probe to the reference voltage terminal so on the screen will appear square voltage, and then connect the probes in parallel on the circuit to be measured.

Finally, look on the oscilloscope screen will appear outputan form of waves generated from the circuit being tested.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Description About Architecture

Architecture is an art that is made by each individual to imagine themselves and science of designing buildings. In a broader sense, the architecture includes the design of the total built environment, from a macro level, namely urban planning, urban design, landscape architecture, down to the micro level, namely building design, furniture design and product design. The architecture also refers to the results of the design process. This architecture not only able to draw a house, but they also can make pictures like what is the real world. for example, such as animals, plants, and humans. As for some of the equipment needed by an architecture that is; drawing books, pencils, rulers, erasers, drawing table, autocad to pc software, etc. Architecture is an art that is made by each individual to imagine and devise an object, place, plants, or what is the real world with simple equipment.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Membuat Komunikasi Ethernet with Visual Studio C#

Hai hai halo halo guys, kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah latihan khusus bagi kamu yang sedang mencari tutorial pemrograman c# , ya kali ini kita akan bicara tentang komunikasi Ethernet. Aplikasi yg saya gunakan adalah Visual Studio guys tapi di SharpDevelop juga bisa kok guys.

Saya bahas sedikit ya tentang komunikasi ethernet, komunikasi ethernet itu adalah salah satu jenis komunikasi yang paling sering ditemui, bisa digunakan untuk komunikasi antar PC, PC dengan mikrokontroller, PC dengan PLC, PLC dengan PLC dll . misal nya saja menggunakan RJ 45. ada juga yang nirkabel dengan menggunakan wireless router . nah kali ini kita akan mencoba menbuat sebuah aplikasi chatting teks sederhana menggunakan protocol UDP.
Tahap pertama : kalian harus memiliki software pemrograman berbasis c#  contoh visual studio atau microsoft visual c# atau sharpdevelop.
Tahap kedua : kalian desain formnya seperti ini :

Tahap ketiga : Kalian deklarasikan using using nya ya guys :D , pada bagian tersebut kita tambahkan :
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;

fungsinya memanggil library yang akan dipakai sebagai jalur untuk mengakses beberapa fungsi yang diperlukan seperti penggunaan thread, akses port.

Tahap keempat : deklarasian fungsi AddMessage yang bertipe delegate void, delegate disini digunakan karena adanya pengaksesan sebuah tool (richTextBox) pada 2 buah event yang berbeda.


delegate void AddMessage(string message);

kemudian deklarasikan juga variabel “port” yang mana nantinya nilai variabel ini digunakan sebagai port yang akan digunakan aplikasi untuk mengirimkan dan menerima data. juga
variabel “broadcastAddress” yang mana nantinya variabel ini digunakan untuk mendefinisikan alamat IP tujuan

int port = 11000;
const string broadcastAddress = "";

dan selanjutnya kita ketik program lengkapnya seperti ini ya guys?
silahkan di coba.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace PeerToPeerChat
    public partial class ChatForm : Form
        delegate void AddMessage(string message);
        string userName;
       int port = 11000;
           const string broadcastAddress = "";
        UdpClient receivingClient = new UdpClient(11000);
           UdpClient sendingClient;
           Thread receivingThread;
        public ChatForm()
            this.Load += new EventHandler(ChatForm_Load);
            btnSend.Click += new EventHandler(btnSend_Click);
        private void ChatForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
       private void InitializeSender()
           sendingClient = new UdpClient(broadcastAddress, port);
           sendingClient.EnableBroadcast = true;
       private void InitializeReceiver()
           ThreadStart start = new ThreadStart(Receiver);
           receivingThread = new Thread(start);
           receivingThread.IsBackground = true;
    private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        tbSend.Text = tbSend.Text.TrimEnd();
           if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbSend.Text))
               string toSend = "<" + Environment.MachineName + "> : " + tbSend.Text;
               byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toSend);
               sendingClient.Send(data, data.Length);
               tbSend.Text = "";
    private void Receiver() {
           IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
           AddMessage messageDelegate = MessageReceived;
           while (true)
               byte[] data = receivingClient.Receive(ref endPoint);
               string message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
               Invoke(messageDelegate, message);
            System.Console.Beep(1500, 300);
       private void MessageReceived(string message)
           rtbChat.Text += message + "\n";

 Sekian postingan saya kali ini, semoga bermanfaat dan semoga dapat dikembangkan lagi. Terimakasih :)